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For my latest progress on my pull ups

This year I want to be able to do dead ringer in Tough Mudder. So they only way is to train.
I've started from the bottom on this one and hopefully by July I'll be strong enough to get even 1/4 of the way across that obstacle.


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A little about me

I started my fitness journey 2 years ago and it's the best thing I've ever  done. I was a stay at home mother to 3 children, and just needed an outlet, I was sick of complaining about my body and hating bits of it and wishing I was fitter. So I got stuck in and started training and running. I fell in love with every aspect of exercise, the feeling of satisfaction when you'd push yourself, the confidence you gain when you see your body changing and the health benefits too. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd come this far and I've Tough Mudder to thank for it. I completed my 1st tough mudder in 2015 and realising that yes I can do this I can push myself out of my comfort zone made me do so much more than I ever expected to do when I started working out. It's great to have an aim for fitness it makes it so much more fun. In the last two years I've taken on 2 tough mudders 1 hell & back 1 run a muck 1 white collar boxing event 2 half mara