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Home made and healthy is the key.

  In my first blog I mentioned the health benefits of keeping fit. Before I began working out and my overall healthier lifestyle I was always sluggish, bloated and tired, the thought of leaving the house after 7pm was crazy that was pj time soaps and a cup of tea and the biscuit tin!! But as I started to get fitter I noticed my attitude to  food and life changing.

I was working hard in my training and felt I was undoing my hard work tucking into a giant pizza every Friday night.

I started to change a few small things, I don't believe in dieting, just change things up a bit for the better.
•I swapped my 4 slices of white toast in the morning for porridge.
•Instead of sandwiches for lunch piled with cheese I started having a salad/ smoothie/ wrap.
•We changed white pasta/rice to brown.
•White sugar to brown. But now no one uses sugar.
•Nearly every meal is home made. (I can't take credit for this BasefitnessIreland is the cook)
•We started discovering healthier versions of our meals on line. Just look on line there are hundreds of recipes or check out BasefitnessIreland fb page for some healthy options.
•If you're a fizzy drink lover swap them for water you'll notice a big difference and your body will thank you for it.

One of my favourite meals now is sweet potatoes sliced and oven baked with turkey steak and choose your veg, I love asparagus.
Eating a well balanced meal is very important.

** I'm not a nutritionist these are just a few changes I made for myself and my family and we've really noticed the improvement in our health.**
